
About me

Hi, I’m Ramanpreet. I’m a problem solver. I love learning new skills and creating solutions to problems.

I’m currently working as control software engineer at Best Automation and Robotics in Loves Park, IL USA.

I completed my Ph.D. Physics (Experimental High Energy Physics) at Northern Illinois University in 2022. I worked on the CMS experiment at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The experiment provided petabytes of proton-proton collision data. Analyzing this amount of data is a challenge in itself and searching for rare signal is even more challenging. I worked on searching for a vector boson scattering process that is a rare process and is a key to understanding the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. In addition to this, I worked on developing new detector for the CMS experiment which will replace the current endcap calorimeter before the High Luminosity run of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

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